Compassion - (to be) here for you and the other. The place where hearts look in the mirror
Time schedule:
Zile: 15 și 16 octombrie – (sâmbătă și duminică)
Durată/zi: 10:00 – 17:00
Cost: 600 de lei (cost total, pentru ambele zile de workshop)
Loc de desfășurare: Online, platforma ZOOM (vă oferim tot sprijinul necesar pentru a accesarea platformei)
To register click HERE
Life often challenges you!
It challenges us to deal with ourselves and herself. What rises to the net is to deal with the intense emotions we may have: fear, anger, revolt, guilt and deep pain of sadness, with the loss of loved ones or difficult relationships, painful memories, but also delays in life plan.
And we are pressed by the challenge and fragility we have as human beings in the face of viruses, bacteria, genetic errors and accidents.
All this throws us into terror, it seems that we are living a global tragedy, in a continuous stress.
The Dalai Lama says, “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. ”
Compassion is the ability to see clearly, deeply, in the nature of suffering.
Compassion is the ability to remain strong and to acknowledge that you are not separate from that suffering.
Compassion means even more, it assumes that we want… we really want to transform suffering.
Another essential component would be that we cannot depend on the result. Any expectation would alter our ability to be present body and soul in that tragic moment.
Compassion is an intrinsic human quality that exists in every human being, but which, unfortunately, also has enemies:
- pity, moral outrage and fear; fear that has become global and paralyzes compassion.
The man who inspires compassion has the ability to feel the other's pain more deeply, and, at the same time, he returns more quickly to the initial state of balance, harmony; compassion improves the immune system and integrally integrates the brain, giving you the opportunity to live consciously in the present, to be able to enjoy life and to love it.
Enjoy satisfying relationships in all areas of your life. The longest relationship in this life is definitely your relationship with you. What if you managed to have the most harmonious relationship with yourself?
Most of us have been taught from birth to live under the pressure of competition, comparison, competition, to judge, label, criticize, to look at the world in its duality, in terms of "true / false", "right / wrong" , “Good / bad”
The way we think, we express ourselves, can give rise to misunderstandings in ourselves, with ourselves and with others. Even the most well-meaning person can be wrong.
Non-Violent Communication teaches us to go beyond superficiality, the patterns of habit, instinct in search of the fullness of life in us / together.
What we learn in the workshop:
- Let's observe without judging
- Let's express our feelings and emotions and take responsibility
- Let's have an emotional presence
- Let's find the real causes
- Let's recognize the limiting needs and beliefs
- How to ask for what could enrich our lives
- Conscious formulation of requirements with affirmative, action-oriented, unpretentious language
- Empathic listening, how we overcome the suffering that blocks empathy
- Compassionate connection with oneself
- Let's create a basis for a better relationship than ever with us / with others
- Deeper connection that can bring harmony into your life
- Understand / free yourself from the effects of past experiences and cultural conditioning
- To give up the patterns of thinking, which lead to tense relationships: quarrels, anger, depression
- To resolve conflict situations peacefully
- To open up to know yourself better, with appreciation, gratitude, goodwill and kindness, empathy, understanding and compassion
- Learn empathy, developing relationships based on mutual respect, compassion and cooperation
- Learn the most effective tools for relational health
- Together we practice the path to self-empathy; how to give ourselves what we would like to receive from others
- Self-esteem or self-compassion?
Oana Sorescu lives happily every moment of her life being perfectly healthy, but that does not mean that it has always been that way. Years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and was given 2 months to live… This is where it all started. It was a time of searching, discovering, accepting and understanding the causes of the disease. Years of study, prayer and meditation followed, as well as total healing.
The culminating and triggering moment of healing was when he realized that everything that happens in our lives, and especially in our bodies, depends only on us, it depends on the way we perceive reality, our beliefs and beliefs. All negative emotions (dissatisfaction, fear, exaggerated worries, envy, jealousy, sadness, distrust, indecision) frustrate the body and its development, creating energy imbalances. We are pure energy and diseases occur as a result of energy imbalances and only the healing and joy of a healthy life depend on us.
All this time, he has studied various fields of alternative medicine: vibrational medicine, Dr. Hamer's new German medicine, Dr. Hulda Clark's studies, Dr. Bach's floral remedies, Brandon Bays' journey, Katie Byron's work, Louise Hay's statements. , about Thetahealing, the healing technique invented by Vianna Stibal, angel therapy, Doreen and Charles Virtue, emotional release techniques (EFT), and studies and papers: Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. David Hawkins, Katie Byron, Wayne Dyer , Bruce Lipton, Eckart Tolle and Louise Hay.
The passion of the study was given especially by metamedicine, the science that teaches us how each symptom and disease bring a message about our inner world and its practical methods, which help us evolve, overcome conflicts, and solve or prevent disease. physical.
To register click HERE
- The first EFTMRA Master Trainer in Romania
- EFTMRA Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
- Trainer's Trainer EFT through EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy (EFTMRA)
- International certificate in emotional skills and competencies
- The first EFT Trainer in Romania (EFTMRA)
- EFT Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner with Karl Dawson (inventor of the technique)
- Advanced EFT Practitioner (Levels 1, 2, 3) with Andrew Lewis and AAMET International Accreditation (
- Quantum Touch Releasing Level 1-3
- Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Practitioner
- Personal Development Advisor (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Trainer (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Certified Angel Practitioner, certified by Charles Virtue
- BFRP (International Certificate Obtained from Dr. Eduard Bach Center)
- PSYCH-K Basic Workshop, with Marina Riemslagh Certified PSYCH-K Instructor
- Diploma in bioenergetic massage
Venue: online, platform ZOOM (we give you all the support you need to access the platform)
Time schedule:
Zile: 15-16 octombrie (sâmbătă și duminică)
Duration: 10:00 - 17:00
- short break: 11:30 - 11:45
- lunch break: 13: 30-14: 30
- short break: 15:45 - 16:00
INVESTIȚIA TA pentru participarea la workshop: 600 lei
To register click HERE
Oana Sorescu lives happily every moment of her life being perfectly healthy, but that does not mean that it has always been that way. Years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and was given 2 months to live… This is where it all started. It was a time of searching, discovering, accepting and understanding the causes of the disease. Years of study, prayer and meditation followed, as well as total healing.
The culminating and triggering moment of healing was when he realized that everything that happens in our lives, and especially in our bodies, depends only on us, it depends on the way we perceive reality, our beliefs and beliefs. All negative emotions (dissatisfaction, fear, exaggerated worries, envy, jealousy, sadness, distrust, indecision) frustrate the body and its development, creating energy imbalances. We are pure energy and diseases occur as a result of energy imbalances and only the healing and joy of a healthy life depend on us.
All this time, he has studied various fields of alternative medicine: vibrational medicine, Dr. Hamer's new German medicine, Dr. Hulda Clark's studies, Dr. Bach's floral remedies, Brandon Bays' journey, Katie Byron's work, Louise Hay's statements. , about Thetahealing, the healing technique invented by Vianna Stibal, angel therapy, Doreen and Charles Virtue, emotional release techniques (EFT), and studies and papers: Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. David Hawkins, Katie Byron, Wayne Dyer , Bruce Lipton, Eckart Tolle and Louise Hay.
The passion of the study was given especially by metamedicine, the science that teaches us how each symptom and disease bring a message about our inner world and its practical methods, which help us evolve, overcome conflicts, and solve or prevent disease. physical.