I think we have all heard the parental admonition in our childhood:
"-Don't make that face anymore!" and since then we have learned to hide them, to repress them! I learned to wear appropriate masks and to ...
Neither thoughts nor deeds are painful, but the feelings that accompany them. The thoughts themselves do not miss, but the feelings that give rise to them! The accumulated pressure of feelings gives rise to thoughts. One feeling can ...
Do you have time! Many times I heard the excuse… I don't have time! The equivalent is: I have no life! It is important to remove this from my vocabulary, I don't have time. We don't do anything we don't want to do, ...
Visually, the idea of infinity, the way you change color, the reflection of the sky in you. The moments of calm in which you change into the lake and the moments of noise and agitation. I like that you are alive and ...
How to control your emotions and help your self heal? Freeing ourselves from the feelings of isolation and helplessness we help that frozen and traumatized part of the self that at a certain moment decided ...
Many of us are programmed from a very young age to think negatively about our health. We are programmed to believe that the condition of our body has nothing to do with us and ...
"You become the thing you think about all day!" Following the 60,000 thoughts you have in one day would mean pure madness. They pass like a river (river!) Permanently through our minds.
I accept myself as I am! The phrase used in EFT (Emotional Release Techniques) and which seems the hardest to pronounce for most of us. We judge ourselves hard and ...