November 18 and 19, 2017, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Brasov - the location of the hall will be sent to the participants
What does it mean?
Early Bird Offer !! 350 lei - reduced price until November 10, later the cost of the course being 500 lei. Advance 100 lei is mandatory for booking the place.
How can you book?
Call 0742.48.33.33 or write to us at office@alexaevent.ro.
• You will receive the scientific arguments that it is not genes that control your life, but your perceptions of the internal and external environment through a brief introduction to Epigenetics - the biology of perception (Dr. Bruce Lipton).
• You will learn kinesiological testing and how you can apply it in everyday life.
• Ways to eliminate self-imposed barriers and limiting beliefs with the power of positive thinking and affirmations.
• In addition to science, nature reminds us that it is the one that governs our lives and you will know and understand the benefits of floral remedies Dr. Bach
• Basic techniques of emotional release-EFT.
• How EFT came about.
• You will find out why EFT works.
• The connection between energy meridians and emotions.
• On what situations, emotions, feelings does EFT work.
• The science behind the technique.
• What are the points in the EFT.
• What are the steps to follow in this technique.
• How to apply EFT for any situation.
• You will apply the EFT method to specific problems in your life.
Oana Sorescu lives happily every moment of her life being perfectly healthy, but that does not mean that it has always been that way. Years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and was given 2 months to live… This is where it all started. It was a time of searching, discovering, accepting and understanding the causes of the disease. Years of study, prayer and meditation followed, as well as total healing.
The culminating and triggering moment of healing was when he realized that everything that happens in our lives, and especially in our bodies, depends only on us, it depends on how we perceive reality, our beliefs and beliefs. All negative emotions (dissatisfaction, fear, exaggerated worries, envy, jealousy, sadness, distrust, indecision) frustrate the body and its development, creating energy imbalances. We are pure energy and diseases occur as a result of energy imbalances and only on us depends the healing and joy of a healthy life.
All this time, he has studied various fields of alternative medicine: vibrational medicine, Dr. Hamer's new German medicine, Dr. Hulda Clark's studies, Dr. Bach's floral remedies, Brandon Bays' journey, Katie Byron's work, Louise Hay's statements. , about Thetahealing, the healing technique invented by Vianna Stibal, angel therapy, Doreen and Charles Virtue, emotional release techniques (EFT), and the studies and works: Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. David Hawkins, Katie Byron, Wayne Dyer , Bruce Lipton, Eckart Tolle and Louise Hay.
The passion of the study was given especially by metamedicine, the science that teaches us how each symptom and disease bring a message about our inner world and its practical methods, which help us evolve, overcome conflicts, and solve or prevent disease. physical.
- Advanced EFT Practitioner (Level 1,2,3) with Andrew Lewis and AAMET International Accreditation (www.aamet.org)
- The first EFT Trainer in Romania
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner by EFT with Karl Dawson (inventor of the technique)
- Counselor for personal development (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Trainer (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Diploma in bioenergetic massage
- Certified Angel Practitioner, certified by Charles Virtue
- BFRP (International certificate obtained from Dr. Eduard Bach Center)
Are you worried about the insecurity of tomorrow? Do you have a relationship that no longer brings you happiness or do you suffer after a breakup? Do you have someone you love and want to help them heal? Does stress, insomnia and exhaustion depress you? Do fears and anxiety drive away the joy of living in the moment? Do you feel like you want something else and you don't know what to do? Do you want to make a decision and you don't know how?
Discover. Loves. Lives.
Find out how to regain your own strength and why it is important to live in the present.
Discover how you can create your own life and live with passion and enthusiasm.
Understand the importance of the thoughts and words you say and how they influence your life.
Realize how important it is to treat the causes and not the effects of diseases and ailments.
These are just some of the questions and thoughts we have, but some may not know how and to whom to address them, others may not think that something can be done or do not know how to do it.