Emotional Freedom Techniques
Imagine what your life would look like if money problems disappeared. If the challenges of love and family relationships were solved quickly. If negative thoughts and emotions would evaporate like fog in the sunlight. Weight and health problems would melt away. The pain would go away in a few minutes. Imagine living without fear, guilt, shame or regret.
Imagine that you live without fear or regret. Imagine that you start each day with optimism, hope and joy.
Imagine what it would be like if all the energy, time, and attention these problems consumed were now available to continue your dreams. Imagine what it would be like if bad experiences in the past no longer haunt your mind. Imagine what it would be like if your limiting beliefs about yourself, about others, about the world, about life, were erased.
Find out how to regain your own strength and why it is important to live in the present.
Follow the EFT courses for:
- Emotional imbalances (fear, anger, frustration, sadness, jealousy, guilt, shame, hatred, contempt, etc.);
- Anxiety / panic / fears / phobias (public speaking, height, snakes, spiders and other insects, claustrophobia, dentist, needles, elevators, flight, rejection, sex, water, illness, loneliness, failure, dogs, etc.);
- Physical pain (head, back, neck, shoulders, wrists, teeth, stomach, legs, general pain, etc.);
- Diseases (migraines, vision problems, allergies, psoriasis, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, sexual dysfunction, urinary problems, chronic fatigue syndrome).
- Trauma, emotional abuse - female problems, depression - pediatric problems; Control of food addictions (sweets, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs);
- Financial blockages;
- Relationship problems.
YOUR INVESTMENT to participate in the course:
- 1678 ron (345 euro) - Early bird offer, if you pay until October 22, 2020
- 2432 ron (500 euro) - for payment after the expiration of the early bird date
The place is considered reserved by paying the advance of 500 RON. The advance is not refundable.
LOCATION: the exact location will be announced later to the registered persons
MAIL: contact@eft-mr.ro
To register, please fill in the form HERE
- It does not involve surgical procedures
- Do not use needles
- No drugs or chemicals are used
- It does not push or pull on the human body
- There are harmless procedures (batteries, murmurs, eye rotations).
- Millions of people have used EFT and the claims are below 1%
- The EFT method is easy to learn, can be done anywhere and often the results are immediate. It is applied and works for people of all ages.
- You will learn the Basic Emotional Release Techniques-EFT.
- The connection between energy meridians and emotions.
- On what situations, emotions, feelings does EFT work.
- The science behind the technique. You will find out why EFT works
- What are the points in the EFT.
- What are the steps to follow in this technique.
- How to apply EFT for any situation.
- You will apply the EFT method to specific problems in your life.
- You will learn to be a Practitioner and work with other people as a guide-therapist.
(For those who want to deepen, they can also take the Level 3 course, intended for advanced practitioners.)
- the ways to eliminate self-imposed barriers and limiting beliefs with the help of the power of thought and positive statements.
- basic emotional release techniques (EFT).
YOU WILL RECEIVE the scientific arguments that it is not genes that control your life, but your perceptions of the internal and external environment through a brief introduction to Epigenetics - the biology of perception (Dr. Bruce Lipton).
After the 3 intensive days of the course you will receive a diploma of participation, later you will give an exam, you will present 5 case studies and 3 hours of training with Oana Sorescu, after which you will obtain the Practitioner Diploma level 1-2 EFT date by the EFTMRA Academy - this Academy belongs to Karl Dawson, the inventor of the Matrix Reimprinting technique.
Oana Sorescu lives happily every moment of her life being perfectly healthy, but that does not mean that it has always been that way. Years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and was given 2 months to live… This is where it all started. It was a time of searching, discovering, accepting and understanding the causes of the disease. Years of study, prayer and meditation followed, as well as total healing.
The culminating and triggering moment of healing was when he realized that everything that happens in our lives, and especially in our bodies, depends only on us, it depends on the way we perceive reality, our beliefs and beliefs. All negative emotions (dissatisfaction, fear, exaggerated worries, envy, jealousy, sadness, distrust, indecision) frustrate the body and its development, creating energy imbalances. We are pure energy and diseases occur as a result of energy imbalances and only the healing and joy of a healthy life depend on us.
All this time, he has studied various fields of alternative medicine: vibrational medicine, Dr. Hamer's new German medicine, Dr. Hulda Clark's studies, Dr. Bach's floral remedies, Brandon Bays' journey, Katie Byron's work, Louise Hay's statements. , about Thetahealing, the healing technique invented by Vianna Stibal, angel therapy, Doreen and Charles Virtue, emotional release techniques (EFT), and studies and papers: Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. David Hawkins, Katie Byron, Wayne Dyer , Bruce Lipton, Eckart Tolle and Louise Hay.
The passion of the study was given especially by metamedicine, the science that teaches us how each symptom and disease bring a message about our inner world and its practical methods, which help us evolve, overcome conflicts, and solve or prevent disease. physical.
- The first EFTMRA Master Trainer in Romania
- EFTMRA Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
- Trainer's Trainer EFT through EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Academy (EFTMRA)
- The first EFT Trainer in Romania (EFTMRA)
- Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner by EFT with Karl Dawson (inventor of the technique)
- International certificate in emotional skills and competencies
- Advanced EFT Practitioner (levels 1, 2, 3) with Andrew Lewis and AAMET International Accreditation (www.aamet.org)
- Quantum Touch Releasing Level 1-3
- Advanced DNA ThetaHealing Practitioner
- Counselor for personal development (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Trainer (accredited by the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection and the Elderly and the Ministry of National Education)
- Certified Angel Practitioner, certified by Charles Virtue
- BFRP (International Certificate Obtained from Dr. Eduard Bach Center)
- PSYCH-K Basic Workshop, with Marina Riemslagh Certified PSYCH-K Instructor
- Diploma in bioenergetic massage