Do we know how to love?
Most of the time we love human… conditioned. I love you if you speak to me in my language of love… I love you if I feel emotionally supported, if you give me encouragement, appreciation, comfort, gifts. I love you when I feel good, when I'm not frustrated, when I'm happy, when I'm not stressed, when…
Love is not a communicator! Today I love you and tomorrow no, three days yes and a week yes!
I love you when I refer to your Divine essence and if I am presentI can't do this second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour! I love you unconditionally with the same love with which God loves his children even when they are naughty! I love you without judging you, I love you and I give you the freedom to be you, without masks, to be who you really are, your most perfect expression in every moment! I love you even when you ignore me, when it hurts, I love you exactly as I would like to be loved, I take the first step and become the source of goodwill, compassion, kindness, patience, forgiveness and understanding because only I can choose who I really want to be… EGO or Divine Spark!
I wish you a day to change your perspective, perception and truth!