I accept myself as I am!
I accept myself as I am! The phrase used in EFT (Emotional Release Techniques) and which seems the hardest to pronounce for most of us. We judge ourselves hard and then how can we stop judging others?
Even if I am angry, I accept myself as I am!
Even if the Fear is 10 (maximum), I accept myself as I am!
Even if I hate her, I accept myself as I am!… Even if I don't like her!
Even if it's my fault, I accept myself as I am!
Why is it important to choose to learn, to open up to other possibilities, to accept myself as I am, even if I don't like it?
Once I notice the negative emotion (Emotion is where the mind and matter meet, (…) a reflection of the mind in the body. E. Tolle) I no longer identify with it. I am not my body, my emotion, my career (what I do), what I have, the opinion of others about me! I am much more than that!
This transcendence from Ambition to Meaning, from being alone to never being alone, from competition to Together brings you back to You! At Enthusiasm: ENTHEOS and IASM meaning "GOD FROM THE INTERIOR". Passion is nothing but the Divine that speaks to you and Inspiration is the moment when you let yourself be inspired, that is, In Spirit.
It is a choice that Dissolves negative emotions, breaks them down and they have nothing to do… Disappear with all the emotional baggage of all the events in your life in which you felt: Anger, Fear, Hate, Guilt!
What good is it to carry so much weight, so bitter for years?
Choose to be kind and gentle, full of goodwill and compassion for yourself in the first place!
How would you feel, who would you be without Your Story?
Who do you choose to be?
I accept myself as I am, even if sometimes I don't like it!
A weekend full of ACCEPTANCE!