I think we have all heard the parental admonition in our childhood:
"-Don't make that face anymore!" and since then we have learned to hide them, to repress them! We have learned to wear proper masks and not be understanding of what we feel.
An emotion in the present is always related to a painful event in the past. Extreme stress, anger, for example, involves a 6-hour suppression of the immune system. And we all have traumas from the earliest stage of our lives. Trauma is especially harmful when it occurs in the first six years of life due to the fact that we are in a hypnotic, unconscious state. An unstable or insecure environment, medical procedures, tests, separation from parents, abuse of any kind (emotional, verbal, physical), domestic violence, aggression and neglect are sources of trauma during this period.
Very few people are careful about the emotions they have, but such a quality can be learned! We certainly have the ability to learn to become attentive so that this becomes a good habit to help you weigh, evaluate, control and release the dysfunctional emotions in your life.
EFT involves tapping the acupuncture points with your fingers. This helps release daily stress or physical problems from your body's energy system to regain your emotional and physical health.
Negative emotional reactions are different in similar situations because each of us has other life experiences with different triggers. The truth is that the subconscious does not differentiate between now, when I really live an intense emotional moment or with then, a past event. The same chemical reactions are created in the body every time, whether I live or just remember and tell about the traumatic event.
With EFT and Matrix Reimprinting you can remember and get rid of all negative emotional problems, certain dysfunctional patterns of thinking / behavior, canceling unhealthy reactions.
When you work with a qualified and experienced practitioner, studies say that the success rate reaches 95% because the problems are solved both at a conscious level but especially at a subconscious level.
EFT Course Level 1-2 Bucharest
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