We invite you to a more than special conference. Come on February 15, 2018 to find out how Oana Sorescu can help you apply Emotional Liberation Techniques and how you can improve your life, health, family, etc.
Conference entry cost: 30 lei. For a better organization, reservations are made by filling out the form below:
For details do not hesitate to contact us on 0742483333 or office@alexaevent.ro
What you discover at the conference:
- Brief history regarding the healing and recovery of Oana Sorescu
- The cause of all negative emotions
- What is EFT (Emotional Release Techniques)
- What are EFT techniques - their enumeration and definition
- How EFT can help you in life daily and not only
- How EFT works and why
- On what situations, emotions, feelings does EFT work.
- Short stories, examples with those who turned to EFT
- What do you gain if you participate in the EFT workshop
- For which conditions does EFT work?
- The Palace of Possibilities exercise
- Question session
5 reasons why it is worth and would be good to attend the conference:
1. You find the things that can bring you happiness in your relationships and life
2. You suffer from stress, insomnia, exhaustion and you want to fight it
3. You feel like you want something else and you don't know what to do, where to start
4. You have a loved one who you want to help him cure a disease
5. You suffer from a chronic or serious illness: diabetes, cancer, hypertension, post-traumatic stress, etc.
For more details and registration HERE