MANDATORY REQUIREMENT: Participation in the EFT Level 1 and 2 course
Those who have not yet participated have the opportunity to take these courses at:
- Sibiu: April 12-14
- Brasov May 10-12
- Constanta: May 24-26
- Bucharest: June 7-9
For more details, please access
Availability: 40 places
Cost: 978 lei / 6 nights / person - accommodation in a double room, with 3 meals / day
EFT trainer cost: 1,000 RON / THE 5 DAYS
Total cost: 1,978 lei / person
PAYMENT for meals / accommodation will be made directly to the hotel account - Monterai Resort, 3 stars, from Poiana Brasov.
An advance of 500 lei can be paid out of the total amount, for registration, and the difference is paid one week before the withdrawal.
For those who want accommodation in single regime, the price is 203 lei / day.
You will receive all the details for making the payment after completing the registration link!
Click to register HERE
- Connection between us, between us that the souls who came to this planet to experience the most beautiful expression of "who we really are";
- To walk together through the delicate moments of our lives or those of others with a real empathy and compassion;
- To put the intention to achieve a harmonious connection between souls who want similar things, achievements, dreams, in the idea of together - many of us want to belong to something that can make a difference;
- We will learn to connect with our hearts, to let ourselves be guided by our own intuition;
- Those of us who want to help others will need quality time to spend with themselves, to listen, hear, understand, support, help, enjoy, evolve, discover, remembers, transcends with goodwill, kindness, understanding, compassion, all without evaluation, criticism, judgment or prejudice.
- Purpose: To take a huge step in welcoming us TOGETHER fresh, relaxed, amused, well-disposed, enthusiastic, passionate, in our own journey, but also that of our clients.
- It's for you, if you want to have a deep understanding of yourself, others, the world, life. Open up to new approaches. To release the defense mechanisms, your resistances (excuses), with the help of which you self-sabotage, so that you always attract the same dysfunctional patterns in your own life. To increase your self-confidence.
- Reminder of EFT Techniques: we will work with them
- We work in pairs, on what you want
- We learn the state of coherence, to connect with our hearts, to let ourselves be guided by our own intuition when and where we want whenever you need an answer.
- Illusions of Need (Neale D. Walsh)
- The steps of truth
- Positive feelings / virtues will be inserted subconsciously with a new technique in Romania QTR (Quantum Touch Releasing)
- We will practice the state of presence, the method "I am", "Stop Technique" Gurdjieff, "Meditation in motion" Neal D. Walsh
- Testing Floral Remedies Dr. Bach
Day 1 (June 20) 2019 Retired registration
Registration formalities
Welcome evening meeting
Day 2 (June 21) 10.00 - 11.30 Recalling basic techniques (question / answer session)
11.50 - 13.30 Steps of Truth (ND Walsh)
We identify the blockages that stop us from working EFT / MR
We will insert positive feelings / virtues subconsciously with QTR
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 - 18.30 Question and answer session
Dr. Bach floral remedies for those who wish
EFT / MR together
Track schedule
Day 3 (June 22) 10.00 - 11.30 The Mind (Integration towards Harmony, Daniel Siegel)
11.50 - 13.30 The Illusions of Need, Neale D. Walsh
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 - 18.30 Question and answer session
Day 4 (June 23) 10.00 - 11.30 We practice the state of presence, concrete techniques:
- "I am" method
- "Gurdjieff Stop Technique"
- "Moving Meditation" Neal D. Walsh
11.50 - 13.30 Non-violent communication exercises
Current status; Practical exercises
Compassion exercises
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch break
15.30-18.30 Question and answer session
Day 5 (June 24) 10.00 - 11.30 Work in pairs
11.50 - 13.30 Discussions
MR Collective
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch break
Excursion with moving meditation
Day 6 (June 25) 10.00-13.30 Work in pairs
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch break
15.50-18.30 SURPRISE!
Day 7 (June 26) 10.00 Conclusions
Click to register HERE